Complete conversion of the production and refinement line for exclusive concrete slabs pays off

Feiner Betonwerk GmbH und Co. KG, 93437 Furth im Wald, Germany

For almost 60 years, the name Feiner has stood for high quality manufacturing work from Bavaria. The family-owned company, operating in the third generation, specialised in the production of concrete slabs at an early stage. From the very beginning, Feiner relied on quality in - stead of quantity and clearly stood out with its concrete slabs from the general range offered on the market. Therefore, it is not surprising that the name Feiner was quickly associated with superior quality concrete products far beyond the Bavarian borders. Of course, apart from motivated employees and technical know-how, modern and flexible machine technology with a high degree of automation is required for economic production of the concrete slabs, which almost all run through Feiner’s refinement process. The family-owned company Feiner therefore invested in the extensive modernisation of its production and refinement line. The result is a high-capacity production, by means of which Feiner was able to considerably increase its output. Strong partners accompanied Feiner through the conversion measures, which were performed to a great extent by Feiner itself. These partners included, amongst others, SR-Schindler Maschinen-Anlagentechnik GmbH from Regensburg, Germany who, in cooperation with the STI –Service Team for Industry GmbH from 8403 Lebring, Austria, planned the project together with Feiner and also supplied corresponding technical systems.

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Feiner Betonwerk GmbH und Co. KG Oberer Degelberg 6 93437 Furth im Wald, Germany T +49 9973 84050 F +49 9973 4122 SR-Schindler Maschinen-Anlagentechnik GmbH Hofer Str. 24 · 93057 Regensburg, Germany T +49 941 696820 · F +49 941 6968218 · STI - GmbH Parkring 6 · 8403 Lebring, Austria T +43 (0) 3182 29305 · F +43 (0) 3182 29300 ·


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025