WetCast moulds for the concrete block industry

Intexmo GmbH, 89597 Munderkingen, Germany

The young Munderkingen company Intexmo began early this year the development and production of polyurethane moulds (PU) for the WetCast industry. Numerous WetCast producers, landscape architects and interior designers, domestic and foreign, set great store by the innovative concrete block moulds with their multifarious fields of application.

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Intexmo GmbH Ehinger Straße 5/1 89597 Munderkingen, Germany T +49 7393 9544330 F +49 7393 95443330 info@intexmo.com www.intexmo.com


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025