First practical applications of UHPC in the Czech Republic

Large potential for demanding light-weight slender structures

In the Czech Republic the research and development of UHPC was commenced in 2009 concurrently by two contracting companies Skanska CZ, a.s. and Metrostav, a.s. in collaboration with the Klokner Institute and Pontex Ltd. The UHPC with an optimum particle packing, low water- cement ratio and randomly distributed short steel fibre reinforcement shows a large potential for demanding light-weight slender structures. Beside high compressive strength this material has many other advantages. The steel fibres give small crack distances and large ductility. The very dense and compact material leads to low penetration of aggressive environmental agents and that’s why high durability is achieved. Due to low maintenance and reasonable life cycle cost this concept offers better sustainability compared to traditional steel or prestressed beams.

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Pontex, spol. s r. o. Bezová 1658 14714 Praha 4, Czech Republic T +420 244 462 219 F +420 244 461 038


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025