A new high-performance mixer control unit in operation at precaster Klaus Köhler Beton

Klaus Köhler Beton- und Fertigteilwerk GmbH, 14943 Luckenwalde, Germany

Köhler Beton was founded in 1947 by Franz Köhler. The company rapidly gained a name for innovative patents and ideas. In the course of the years, Köhler Beton became one of the market leaders in shaft construction and the shaft systems made out of precast concrete com- ponents needed for this purpose. The company specialises in constructing cable channels as well as signal and heavy current engineering. Just recently, a new combined master process and administration system – a Bikotronic BWD of the latest generation – was commissioned in its production facility. The modular concept with this high performance software permits it – both in relation to master control and admin- istration applications – to specifically address the many diverse requirements of the mixing system with its wide range of products.

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Bikotronic Industrie Elektronik GmbH Im Hohen Acker 7 67146 Deidesheim, Germany T +49 6326 96530 F +49 6326 965350 info@bikotronic.de www.bikotronic.de Klaus Köhler Beton- und Fertigteilwerk GmbH Treuenbrietzener Tor 40 14943 Luckenwalde, Germany T +49 3371 69310 F +49 3371 610971 info@koehlerbeton.de www.koehlerbeton.de


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025