Nanosilica with microsilica – a more than efficient combination

Tecnosil Silica Ativa, Bairro São Roque da Chave, Itupeva, SP – Brazil

One of the largest construction sites in SP, the Madeira Building, is located in the city of Barueri and consists of 26 floors, with the purpose of mixed commercial and residential use. This construction required special attention because, due to the schedule, concrete with high strength at an early age was needed, approximately 40.0 MPa at the age of 5 days, even with the use of CP II or CP III cements. In the tests done on the concrete it is possible to observe strengths at 28 days of around 70.0 MPa in some cases, and a modulus of deformation of up to 50.0 GPa, something very difficult to achieve with the conventional materials used by concrete mixers. The technological control performed by Qualitec required a high degree of technical competence, because to achieve numbers of this magnitude it was necessary to use the latest equipment and trained professionals alert to any possible interference in the processes.

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Tecnosil Silica Ativa Rua Américo Simões, 119ª Bairro São Roque da Chave, Itupeva, SP – Brazil T +55 11 4591 2078 F +55 11 4593 1593 Qualitec Controle Tecnologico Av. Dr. Silvio Margarido, 12 São Paulo, Brazil T +55 11 3782 5300


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025