Treatment of Progressive Collaps in US Codes and Standards

Part 2/2: An overview about fib and PCI strategies

Treatment of the topic of progressive collapse is still evolving in U.S. codes and standards, as indicated in this section of the present article that represents part 2 of two articles about accidental loading and progressive collapse. Part 1/2, published in CPI 03-2014, presented an introduction and described the phenomenon as such. Additionally, proposals for the design of precast structures to withstand accidental loading were provided. Since both articles belong together, the numbering of paragraphs, figures and tables is continued here, following part 1/2. The two articles continue a series of papers written by authors from fib and PCI, presenting different views of both assiciations on certain topics that are of importance to the precast industry. The goal is to disseminate common knowledge, and to increase awareness of similarities and differences of both approaches.

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