Differing possibilities of integrating technical building services components into flat floor cross sections have been introduced in previous articles. In this paper, the focus will be on demonstrating practical application, i.e. how individual TBS elements (Technical Building Services) have been installed, by drawing on examples from objects already completed. By using these examples of completed objects, it should become clear what is possible and which marginal conditions must be taken into account in their implementation. The experience gained has led to continual improvements over the years so that a well-engineered product is available today. A short recapitulation is useful as to how the possibilities of integrated technical building services can be implemented. Three layers in a sandwich floor are available for installing individual components. As has been previously mentioned, a sandwich cross section can only be successfully produced as a precast component or a semi-finished precast component. It is also possible to manufacture the space between both panels as a cavity, as long as the panel can be delivered to a construction site as a complete precast component. Procedures in a pre- cast production facility permit each shell to be manufactured in sequence and then be bonded together in a process at the factory. However, panels with greater span widths are often too heavy, so that the panel cross section has to be produced in single steps, whereby the upper shell is then generally first completed on site. Experience in implementing objects, and which particular cross section design form can and must be utilised for each specific case, has led to a classification of the cross sections. Differentiation has to be made between five cross section shapes. In principle, a decision has to be made for either floor type Ceiltec-A or Ceiltec-B. These are then differentiated by how the middle layer between the two shells is created. Whereas with type A, the middle layer is produced with light displacement bodies, this space remains completely hollow with type B. Closely connected to this is the degree of completion in the production facility and the extent of the work remaining to be done at the construction site. In greater detail, the five types of panels are characterised by the following features.
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