Béton de la Lomme: invest in the right production tool to pursue a successful innovation policy

Adler Technologies, 60360 Crevecoeur-Le-Grand, France

Béton de la Lomme, a company located in Rochefort in Belgium, celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The keys to its success are anticipation of new requirements, a dynamic innovation strategy, special attention to product quality and to productivity. Today the company produces around 4 million blocks per year and its activities are distributed over three main areas: blocks for masonry or thin-joint blocks, formwork blocks and retaining elements (L, T and U sections). It has developed a long-term partnership with Adler Technologies.

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Adler Technologies Route de la Borde 60360 Crevecoeur-Le-Grand, France T +33 344 4642 42 F +33 344 4642 43 commercial@adler-tech.com www.adler-technologies.com Béton de la Lomme s.a. Parc Industriel 5580 Rochefort, Belgium T +32 8421 3440 F +32 8421 1970 info@betondelalomme.be www.betondelalomme.be


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025