Nordimpianti system srl, 66100 Chieti (CH), Italy

Ground-breaking extruder for hollow core slabs1500mm wide in Russia

Tyumen, Russia. 02-07-2009 – The first 1500mm hollow core slab has been cast from an Extruder supplied by Nordimpianti. The date marks the important beginning of hollow core slab production adapted to attain the Russian standard of 1500mm wide panels whilst at the same time incorporating the quality of compaction and surface finish that only extrusion technology can offer. This new plant was built in Siberia, by Concrete Product Plant - 5 (JBI-5), a Russian company that back in 2007 made firm strategic market decisions which led them to look for strong international partners and which has now enabled them to fulfil the project to its production phase.

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FERROCONCRETE PRODUCTS PLANT NO. 5 Leasing Company LLC 625014 RUSSIA TYUMEN Str. 50 years of October Blv. 217 T +7 3452 490656 (49) F +7 3452 490646


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