Associação Brasileira de Construção Industrializada de Concreto (Abcic) and fib Commission 6 of Precast Concrete congregated professionals of the market and reference names in the academic medium to discuss project conceptual aspects, by exposing important aspects of the structural engineering, sustainability and application of this constructive system. “Promoting an event of this nature in Brazil, in this context, consolidates not only the importance and the development of precast concrete but also the solutions to mitigate the difficulties of construction market in our country. At the same time when we attend an important globalized forum, we advance increasingly more on the technical stand point”, reflected Íria Doniak, president of Abcic and coordinator of the event.
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ABCIC - Associação Brasileira da Construção Industrializada de Concreto Av. Torres de Oliveira, 76-B Jaguaré CEP 05347-902, São Paulo, Bazil T +55 (11) 3763-2839