Intelligent investment: Gandrup Element A/S switches to automated in-house production of reinforce

progress Maschinen & Automation AG, 39042 Brixen, Italy

The Danish family-owned company Gandrup Element A/S, founded in 1972, with 121 employees in Gandrup, switched to in-house production of reinforcement meshes in 2021. The time, material and labour savings, and not least the fact that it had also been desired by the workers for a long time, led the management to the decision to invest in an M-System BlueMesh® from Progress Maschinen & Automation. Due to the high degree of automation, larger quantities of reinforcement can now be produced in a shorter time and at a lower price.

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GANDRUP ELEMENT A/S Teglværksvej 35 9362 Gandrup, Denmark + 45 96 54 38 00 progress Maschinen & Automation AG Julius-Durst-Straße 100 39042 Brixen, Italy T + 39 0472 979100 Progress Software Development GmbH Julius-Durst-Straße 100 39042 Brixen, Italy T +39 0472 979900


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025