Situated on the edge of Yatton, right in the heart of stunning North Somerset, in the South West of the United Kingdom, Stowell Concrete is an outstanding, fully independent, family-run business specializing in the manufacture of an extensive range of quality concrete products. With over 60 years of hands-on experience, delivering across the UK, they have carved out a leading position in the industry and continue to grow. Stowell Concrete has earned a very proud and well-deserved reputation for dependable, dedicated service with a careful and uncompromising focus on quality.
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Columbia Machine, Inc. 107 Grand Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98661, USA T +1 360 6941501 F +1 360 6904578 Stowell Concrete Limited Arnolds Way Yatton, Bristol, BS49 4QN T +44 1934 834000 F +44 1934 835474