New machinery for precast utility production in the USA

CGM, 48022 Lugo (RA), Italy

Rock Solid Precast is a producer of precast elements in Houston, Texas, USA who decided to partially switch from wet-cast to dry-cast production by purchasing a CGM machine, TC2 model. This investment has allowed Rock Solid to improve productivity right from the start by producing up to 200 elements per shift cutting the labor to only three people and the cost of cement by 10 % still reaching a strength of almost 4,500 PSI.

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Rock Solid Precast 11393 Sleepy Hollow Rd. Conroe, Texas 77385, USA T +1 281 3647474, F +1 281 4197860 CGM srl Via de Brozzi 87/2 48022 Lugo (RA), Italy T +39 0545 35294


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025