Precision based on tradition: new generation of independently operating moisture metering and …

Franz Ludwig GmbH, 55124 Mainz, Germany

… water dosing units In modern concrete mixing plants the exact measurement, calculation and water dosing are often carried out by the control in combination with a moisture measuring sensor in the mixer and /or sensors in the aggregates. This requires a very intensive knowledge of the very extensive and complex production processes and technology of modern concrete production plants. The incorporation of experience in very differentiated concretes as well as plant engineering are absolutely necessary for this task in order to meet the high demands on product quality.

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Cambridge Pavers, Inc. PO Box 157, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, USA T +1 201 933 5000 Franz Ludwig GmbH Budenheimer Str. 1, 55124 Mainz, Germany T +49 6131 910460, F +49 6131 9104624,


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025