15 Years of Monolithic Manholes – a Success Story of High-Quality Precast Concrete Products …

Schlüsselbauer Technology GmbH & CoKG, 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria

… for Rainwater and Waste Water Sewage Systems Obvious weaknesses in sewage systems in general, irrespective of the materials they use, as well as increasing quality expectations in terms of precast concrete products in particular, marked the start of a new era of technology 15 years ago. The Austrian system manufacturer and developer, Schlüsselbauer Technology, first showcased a method for industrially manufacturing custom-made mould-hardened concrete manhole bases. After first being installed in precast plants in France and Germany, the manhole bases soon penetrated markets in most countries across Europe and North America under the brand name Perfect. Meanwhile, the brand name became synonymous with reliably watertight, monolithically manufactured concrete parts. In addition to concrete manhole bases, the brand portfolio comprises other manhole components and pipes which are factory-made with or without corrosion protection in the form of a HDPE lining. Schlüsselbauer Technology is focusing on the impressive range of durable concrete products for different variants of sewage systems as well as options for gradually automating their manufacturing in their presentation at bauma 2019.

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Hynds Pipe Systems Limited 25 Arwen Place, East Tamaki PO Box 58 142, Botany, Auckland 2163, New Zealand T +64 9 274 0316 www.hynds.co.nz SCHLÜSSELBAUER Technology GmbH & Co KG Hörbach 4, 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria T +43 7735 71440, F +43 7735 714456 sbm@sbm.at, www.sbm.at www.perfectsystem.eu


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