DSK Binokor of Uzbekistan develops earthquake-proof construction system for more living space

Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH, 74189 Weinsberg, Germany

The face of Tashkent is shaped by modern architecture today. The construction boom and the demand for new living space continue unabated. Earthquake safety plays a major role here, because Uzbekistan is located in a seismically high-risk zone. DSK Binokor has now developed an innovative construction system that makes a new type of architecture possible for residential buildings.

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DSK Binokor T +99893 5050022 info@binokor.uz, www.binokor.uz Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH Stadtseestr. 12, 74189 Weinsberg, Germany T +49 7134 520, F +49 7134 52203 info@vollert.de, www.vollert.de Igor Chukov Executive Sales Director GUS/Russia T +49 7134 52359, F +49 7134 52205 igor.chukov@vollert.de


05.02.2025 - 07.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025