Change at the top of Rampf Formen GmbH

Rampf Formen GmbH, 89604 Allmendingen, Germany

Fabian Kohlbecker took over the management of Rampf Formen GmbH in Allmendingen on 1 October 2018. He replaces the former managing director Jörg Rasbieler who is leaving the company for personal reasons. As preparations for this transition have been taking place for a long time, the handover will be very straightforward and Jörg Rasbieler will still be on hand for a few weeks to advise his successor.

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Rampf Formen GmbH Altheimer Straße 1, 89604 Allmendingen, Germany T +49 7391 5050, F +49 7391 505142,


06.08.2024 - 08.08.2024
14.08.2024 - 16.08.2024
21.08.2024 - 24.08.2024