Headwaters Building Products Group puts a versatile, high production plant into service in Texas, US

Poyatos S.A., 18220 Albolote, Granada, Spain

As a leading Building Products Supplier in the Texan market, Headwaters decided to expand and upgrade their production capacity in order to keep abreast of a strongly growing market which demands an increasingly diverse range of high quality product.

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Poyatos Poligono Industrial Juncaril, P-240. 18220 Albolote, Granada, Spain T +34 9584 66990 F +34 9584 67118 poyatos@poyatos.com www.poyatos.com ASSYX GmbH & Co. KG Zum Kögelsborn 6 56626 Andernach, Germany T +49 2632 947510 F +49 2632 9475111 info@assyx.com www.assyx.com


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025