Monolithic up to DN1800 – Tracey Concrete enters a new dimension in the production of customised

Schlüsselbauer Technology GmbH & Co KG, 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria

...concrete manhole bases in UK and Ireland Since more than 10 years the Perfect manufacturing system conforms to the latest accepted state of the art to produce custom-made wet- cast monolithic concrete manhole bases. In particular the excellent quality of the tailored concrete channel, which is produced by using pre- formed polystyrene rigid foam parts as well as an optimised resource management that leads to high economic efficiency are reasons for the international success of this production system developed by Schlüsselbauer Technology. Tracey Concrete, one of the largest precast con- crete manufacturers in the UK and Ireland, is the next prominent plant that recently launched its production of wet-cast, monolithic concrete manhole bases with individually tailored channel configuration. Beside the qualitative arguments Tracey Concrete took the decision for the Perfect technology also because of the fact, that this manufacturing system allows the production of mono bases with very large diameters. Thereby, the company is now to produce individually tailored manhole bases in diameter DN1800 that are made in only one pour with a proven industrial process.

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Tracey Concrete Limited Old Rossorry, Sligo Road Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh BT74 7LF, Northern Ireland T +28 6632 6437 F +28 6632 4908 Schlüsselbauer Technology GmbH & Co KG Hörbach 4, 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria T +43 7735 71440 F +43 7735 714456,


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025