Precast concrete buildings in seismic areas

Practical aspects

This report provides a short summary of work done by Task Group 6.10 of fib Commission 6 (Prefabrication) in collaboration with PCI. A more extended report on the work will be available in a joint fib/PCI publication that is expected to be issued by the end of 2015. It has been devel- oped by selected experts from around the world and therefore combines a variety of precast experiences, design philosophies and con- struction techniques. The Task Group was convened by S.Tsoukantas. S.K.Ghosh, serving as liaison between fib Commission 6 and PCI, together with other distinguished PCI members and members of fib T.G. 6.10, ensured consideration, throughout the document, of U.S. design and construction practice for precast concrete structures. The general overview contained in the fib/PCI document intends to provide engi- neers, architects, clients, and end-users with a better appreciation of the wide range of applications that modern precast concrete technol- ogy is capable of in various types of construction from industrial to commercial as well as residential. Lastly, the emphasis on practical aspects, from conceptual design to connection detailing, aims to help engineers move away from blindly following prescriptive codes in their design to basic principles, in order to achieve a more robust understanding, and thus control, of the seismic behavior of the structural system as a whole, as well as its components and individual connections.

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