Mix Design Improvement for Concrete Pavers

Optimising Concrete Properties by Using Waste as Filler

Construction Industry uses important volumes of raw materials and energy. Sustainability criteria as a method to select materials are a social and economic requirement, which has to be considered. The present development refers to concrete products that represent a competitive alternative where traditional methods are not available. The method proposed consists of designing mixes used for the manufacturing of con- crete pavers based on particle interference theory. Partial replacements of the fine fraction with a waste coming from the crushing aggre- gate activity were assessed compared to an aggregate grading actually used by an Argentinian paver manufacturer as a reference. Physical and mechanical properties of mortars with those aggregate combinations were determined. The process of optimization led to the identifi- cation of mixes with equivalent mechanical behavior, less cement content and the disposal of a percentage of fines originated by crushing aggregates. The three parameters that lead to sustainability are fulfilled in this way. By making use of a waste, an environmental problem is reduced and that implies a social improvement. Besides more economic concrete mixes are obtained.

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11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025