Communication channel for ecological sustainability quality

EPD – Environmental product declarations for construction products

Particularly in civil engineering over the last few years, a strategic approach of sustainability has become established, permitting this sector of industry to increasingly fulfil its key role in sustainable development. A marked shift in focus towards the product segment is currently taking place induced by a modified policy framework at both regulatory and normative level. The verification and documentation of sustainability qualities is gaining in importance in this case, too. Environmental product declarations (EPD) offer the industry a new type of instrument for communicating the appropriate quality of their products to participants on the demand side. The following paper outlines the significant changes in the policy framework responsible for the dynamics surrounding this topic of EPD; it looks at the methodology and the creation process with EPDs; and presents current application examples from practice in the construction supply industry.

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LCEE Life Cycle Engineering Experts GmbH Petersenstraße 12 64287 Darmstadt, Germany T +49 6151 162195 · F +49 6151 163044 ·


04.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 12.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 14.09.2024