Prefabricats Pujol – a marketand innovation leader inthe Spanish precast industry

Prefabricats Pujol, 25230 Mollerussa, Spain

The Pujol business, founded in 1942, is now a significant employer in both Catalunya and Spain and is jointly directed by Jordi Pujol i Torrent and Miquel Pujol i Oliva. Prefabricats Pujol has its headquarters in Mollerussa in the province of Lleida, Catalunya. Major production centres are located at Mollerussa, Les Borges Blanques, Madrid, La Rioja, Solsona and Andalucia. The Company is a perfect example of retention of family ownership and family identity, independent from any international Corporates. The people-oriented family ownership provides a pleasant working environment for its 1,400 employees.

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Prefabricats Pujol, Carretera Miralcamp, km.1 25230 Mollerussa LLEIDA, SPAIN T + 34 973 601100 F + 34 973 603366 Techmart International Ltd. Kill, Naas Co. Kildare, IRLAND T +353 45 877320 F +353 45 877662 Prensoland S.A. C/Industria, 5-9 08592 St. Marti de Centelles T +34 93 8440125 F +34 93 8441011


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025