A new floor and wall production facility commissioned

Vollert|Weckenmann, 72358 Dormettingen, Germany

In the middle of 2008, the most modern precast production plant in Saint Petersburg began operations at DSK Block, which belongs to the leading LSR construction and building materials group located in northwest Russia. DSK Block has set itself the goal of achieving a yearly rate of 750,000 m² dwelling space construction by 2011 with its two precast facilities. To this end, € 19 million have been invested in a first phase to generate 180,000 m³ precast per year. DSK Block decided to go over to a new, more efficient technology for the production and construction of multi-storey apartment buildings and this entailed modernising their factory. Contrary to usual Russian design, the outer walls are not made in a sandwich construction method but rather from load-bearing massive walls which have been furnished with complete heat insulation. This changed method of construction possesses considerable advantages as construction progress can be accelerated and no joint appears on the façade.

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HBP “Block” LTD (House-building plant "Block") 3d Verhniy st., 5 194292 St. Petersburg, Russia T +7 812 5985283 F +7 812 5985283 info@block.lsrgroup.ru · www.lsrgroup.ru Anton Ohlert St. Petersburg Chernyshevsky prospect, 16 191123 St. Petersburg, Russia T +7 812 2737757 F +7 812 2727244 ohlert@ohlert.spb.ru · www.ohlert.com Weckenmann Anlagentechnik GmbH+Co. KG Birkenstraße 1 72358 Dormettingen, Germany T +49 7427 94930 F +49 7427 949329 info@weckenmann.de · www.weckenmann.de Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG Stadtseestr. 12 74189 Weinsberg, Germany T +49 7134 520 F +49 7134 52202 www.vollert.de info@vollert.de


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025