ad-media GmbH has published special trade journals for the concrete and precast industry since 1993.
In 1998 the first edition of CPi ConcretePlant International was published, at that time initially in German (BWI BetonWerk International) and English. CPi reports bimonthly on new technologies, production methods, products, events and current market information. The readers are primarily technical decision-makers in concrete and precast plants. As the interest of the international readership increased, the CPi worldwide family of magazines grew over the years that followed, with trade journals in Spanish ( PHI Planta de Hormigón Internacional, since 2001), Italian (C&PI Calcestruzzo e Prefabbricazione international, since 2003), French (PBI Préfa Béton International, since 2004), Russian (CPI Russia Международное Бетонное Производство, since 2004 – changed to CPi Eurasia Международное Бетонное Производство in 2022), Polish (ZBI Zaklady Betonowe International, since 2007) and Chinese (CPI China, since 2009).
Beyond that there are English regional editions for North America (CPi North America, since 2007) and the Indian subcontinent (CPI India, since 2011) as well as an Arabic-English edition for the Middle East (CPi Middle East, since 2004).
ad-media GmbH is represented in several countries with agencies and its own employees and the worldwide unique concept of international trade contents presented in local languages demonstrates the importance of the CPI worldwide trade journals.
In addition to the publication of trade journals for the concrete industry, ad-media GmbH also organizes trade events for the industry, known as the ICCX – International Concrete Conference & Exhibition. These events have been held successfully for many years in Germany, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Brazil, Central Europe, Morocco, Ghana, wherein regional trends and developments are followed and the local markets are served with international know-how.