New line of precast concrete “boundary walls” and mould for double T slabs in Algeria

Bianchi Casseforme s.r.l., 43045 Fornovo di Taro, Italy

Algeria based company Cosider Canalisations constantly works to improve and consolidate its know-how to increase its competences and optimise costs of execution of the job, in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness to its customers and partners during implementation of the projects. For this reason, in 2019 Cosider decided to expand its production capacities creating a new line of concrete “boundary walls” and double T slabs, choosing Bianchi Casseforme srl as its partner.

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Cosider Canalisations Route de la Base Aérienne Cheraga, Algers, Algeria EURL Zennakid 12, Route Jasmine, 24 logts Tlemcen, Algeria T +213 661 220 964 Bianchi Casseforme s.r.l. Via G. Di Vittorio, n. 42 43045, Fornovo di Taro (PR), Italy T +39 0525 40 05 11, F +39 0525 40 05 12


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025