Coloured concrete for lasting aesthetics

Schomburg ICS GmbH, 32760 Detmold, Germany

Colour in concrete is a versatile, long-lived design option for cement, provided the colorants are manufactured professionally and tailored to the respective cement properties. With its product range for the dyeing of concrete with Remiferox powder pigments and Remicolor colour slurries, Schomburg ICS GmbH can rely on its many years of experience in its area of expertise, Rethmeier concrete technology.

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Schomburg ICS GmbH Aquafinstraße 2–8 32760 Detmold, Germany T +49 5231 95300 F +49 5231 953390


21.01.2025 - 23.01.2025
23.01.2025 - 25.01.2025
23.01.2025 - 26.01.2025