Further developed column mould with arbitrary corbel arrangement on four sides

WCH Weiler – C. Holzberger, CEP 13505-620, Rio Claro, Brazil

The WCH company is a mechanical engineering company that has been based since 1977 in Brazil and, as a supplier to the international concrete and precast industry, produces machines and plants for prestressed hollow-core slab production, concrete mixing centres, and moulds and formwork for untensioned and prestressed reinforced concrete elements such as columns, beams, railway sleepers and pipes. In 2007 WCH developed a standard mould system with name Flex Moulds. Using these moulds columns, beams and piles can be produced very rationally – with corbels on both sides if necessary. The further development of the mould, in which up to four corbels can be integrated, has been in use successfully at customers for some time now.

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WCH Weiler – C. Holzberger Rua Alfa, 400, Distrito Industrial CEP 13505-620, Rio Claro, Brazil T +55 19 35225900, F +55 19 35225905 weiler@weiler.com.br, www.weiler.com.br


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
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