The spring of 2011 saw the start-up of another production system not too far from Venice, to produce individual monolithic concrete manhole parts using the Perfect process. In the family-run business VMC Srl., Veneta Manufatti in Cemento, in picturesque Resana, they had spent a long time working on processes to produce precision prefabricated components . Alongside the requirement to come up with new manufacturing technology that could also produce a new range of products, it was primarily quality aspects based on the end product that were taken as the basis for the decision to invest. In any case, the aim was to produce wet cast products, completely cured in the mould and there by guarantee a reliable level of high component quality. Also, the manufacturing technology to be used was to be tried and tested and able to deliver the expected high standard of manhole components in everyday production. VMC put a considerable amount of time and effort into testing the actual product quality expected. Over several months components were repeatedly purchased from different manufacturers. These manhole bases were not used just to test market acceptance in Veneto; in fact, the company was able to get a consistent picture of the actual quality available without depending on the opinions of third parties or on an assessment of product samples, as they are plugged time and again at trade fairs or displayed in glossy brochures.

Schlüsselbauer Technology GmbH & Co KG Hörbach 4 4673 Gaspoltshofen, Austria T +43 7735 71440 · F +43 7735 714456