Plant extension for the production of double walls

Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH + Co. KG, 74189 Weinsberg, Germany

The first double wall plant in the region of Murcia in the southeast of Spain went into operation in February 2010 at the Trabis company in Yecla. The solid wall plant installed by Vollert and its partners in 2006 was extended such that double walls can now also be manufactured economically and rationally in addition to the solid walls that have been produced up to now. Since 2006, Trabis Prefabricado Arquitectonico, S.L.U. has been producing structural precast concrete elements such as columns and girders, in both untensioned and prestressed execu - tions, as well as solid walls for industrial construction on a carrousel plant in a newly built production facility. Vollert Anlagenbau from Weinsberg was commissioned as an experienced and reliable partner with the task of the overall conception.

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Trabis Prefabicado Arquitectónico Ctra. De Villena KM1 – Apdo.112 30510 Yecla (Murcia), Spain T +34 968 718990 F +34 968 718995


04.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 12.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 14.09.2024