New partnership for joint success

BeTeMa GmbH, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany

For two decades, BeTeMa GmbH has been a competent and reliable partner for new machines, used machines, as well as for high-quality wear and spare parts in the concrete block industry. The two managing directors Klaus Schmitt and Martin Schwarz have an even longer connection to the industry. Machines or machine parts supplied by BeTeMa GmbH are already in use in more than 40 countries worldwide. Through an anticipated long-term partnership with the company OCEM Srl, the range of services is now being expanded.

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B eTe M a G m b H Oberer Mühlweg 23 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany T +49 9471 95000 F +49 9471 950029 OCEM – Off. Costruzioni Elettro Mecchaniche S.r.l. Via Gran Bretagna, 107 50126 Firenze, Italy T +39 055 680753


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025