Lujabetoni invests in new cage welding machines for manufacturing driven piles

mbk Maschinenbau GmbH, 88353 Kisslegg, Germany

Lujabetoni, a major driven pile manufacturer in Finland, has systematically developed new solutions in recent years. The “Luja-pienpaalu” product developed and patented by Lujabetoni breaks with the myth of heavy concrete piles: driven piles that produce virtually no waste, and their lightweight driving equipment causes no significant vibrations.

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Lujabetoni Oy Harjamäentie 1, 71800 Siilinjärvi, Finland T +358 20 7895500 mbk Maschinenbau GmbH Friedrich-List-Straße 19, 88353 Kisslegg, Germany T +49 7563 91310, F +49 7563 2566,


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025