Easy transport of long precast concrete elements

Faymonville Distribution S.A., 9990 Weiswampach, Luxembourg

As a specialist in the field of large-capacity and heavy-duty transport, the forwarding agency Tolksdorf, located in the German city of Minden, has been relying on transport solutions from the Faymonville Group for many years. In addition to a range of Max Trailer vehicles, the fleet includes several Faymonville flatbed trailers. The figures show a double telescopic 3-axis extendable tele trailer of the type TeleMax with a saddle height of 980 mm and an 18-ton gooseneck.

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Faymonville Distribution S.A. Duarrefstrooss 8, 9990 Weiswampach, Luxembourg T +352 269004155, F +352 269004425 sales@faymonville.com www.faymonville.com


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025