Mechanical performance of polymeric fibre reinforced concrete subjected to low temperatures

Experimental program on frozen FRC

The use of fibre reinforced concrete has been generally accepted for a wide range of structural applications. Vast research has been carried out on the mechanical performance of this material (including when this is subjected to high temperatures), durability and design aspects. Contrarily, research on the behaviour of FRC when subjected to low temperatures is limited. It is known that concrete (and steel) suffers from embrittlement when temperatures are below to a certain threshold (which depends on the material) and the ductility of the structure can be compromised. However, the preliminary results derived from an experimental program on polymeric fibre reinforced concretes carried out at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, BarcelonaTech) prove the post-cracking flexural bearing capacity concretes increase with the decrease of temperature. This outcome is of especial interest for industrial floor applications (external floors subjected to severe winter conditions and cold storage warehouses), and others.

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11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
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