High performance concrete corbels cast in differentstages of the column

An experimental study

This paper presents a proposal for constructive technique where the corbels are cast in a different stage of the other parts of the precast element. The idea is to apply high performance concrete, compose with high volume ratio of steel fiber, only in the corbel and ordinary concrete in the other parts of the precast element. The paper shows experimental results of symmetrical full-scale model. The main variables of experimental programme are the reinforcement rate and the type of corbel-column interface. Considering the service load of traditional corbels, the proposed technique presents crack width 33% larger than those in traditional corbels. However, when the rate of steel ties was increased, the proposed technique presented cracks 23% smaller than the traditional corbel. The proposed technique presented a satisfactory behavior, being the next step the reduction of the cracks width at the corbel-column interface, allowing the use of all strength of the steel ties.

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04.09.2024 - 06.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 12.09.2024
11.09.2024 - 14.09.2024