A productive series of training courses on the use and operation of molds and concrete block machine

Techmatik SA, 26 - 610 Radom, Poland

During the winter production break, vibropress operators of Polish companies from the paving stones, and concrete accessories industry sector had the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and qualifications at the training organized for the first time by Techmatik in Radom, Poland. The dynamically developing company has been focusing on modern solutions, innovations and efficiency improvement for almost 15 years, taking care of the highest quality of products and satisfaction of the growing number of recipients. Techmatik cooperates with entrepreneurs from over 50 countries around the world.

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Techmatik SA ul. Żółkiewskiego 131, 33 26 - 610 Radom, Poland T +48 608 422 400 dmadon@techmatik.pl, www.techmatik.pl


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025