First International Masters Program “Precast Concrete Construction Solutions”

Online Education Program

Experience shows that there is a lack of academic study programs focusing on industrialized construction with precast concrete elements. This is true for the field of engineering as well as that of architecture. Currently, prefabrication is treated as a part of general construction with concrete so that future designers, builders, or decision makers hardly develop an appropriate appreciation of precast concrete construction as an alternative if they are not aware of all its particular potential right from the formative stage. This was the main reason why ANDECE, the Spanish Precast Concrete Association, together with the STRUCTURALIA Company, decided in 2014 to establish a training program for engineers in the form of a postgraduate degree entitled “International Master of Precast Concrete Construction Solutions”. This program has since been the first specific training on this subject with Spanish as the medium of instruction, this way addressing around 500 million speakers of this language in 22 countries where the precast concrete technology can expect an enormous growth potential.

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11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025