Specialty chemicals company Lanxess presented its third Colored Concrete Works Award in Berlin on May 17, 2017, to a distinguished architect who has achieved something unique in the use of colored concrete. This year’s award goes to Rudy Ricciotti for his “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” (MuCEM) project in Marseille in the south of France.
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LANXESS Deutschland GmbH Business Unit Inorganic Pigments Chempark Uerdingen, Gebäude R 54 47812 Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany T +49 2151 887741 F +49 2151 884133 coloredconcreteworks@lanxess.com www.lanxess.com www.bayferrox.de www.colored-concrete-works.com