Bespoke block making machine designed for manufacturing hemp blocks

Quadra, 74130 Contamine-sur-Arve, France

Located in Etalans in the east of France, Vieille Matériaux was founded in 1963 by René Vieille. Currently headed by his grandson, Sebastien Vieille, this family-owned company has been specializing in the manufacture and trading of precast concrete products for more than 60 years. Recognized throughout its area for the quality of its products and its ability to innovate, Vieille Matériaux achieved a resounding success with the launch of its insulating blocks called “NRJ block” and their high thermal and acoustic performance. Vieille Materiaux is continuing to grow and has expanded its product range with the manufacture of hemp blocks called “Biosys”. This is a special building solution with a globally unique product, mechanically assembled when it is dry, with a high-precision vertical and horizontal interlocking system allowing fast and simple use.

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Quadra 40, route de Findrol 74130 Contamine-sur-Arve, France T +33 45003 9221 F +33 45003 6997 Vieille matériaux 1 rue des planches ZA la croix de pierre 25580 Etalans, France T +33 381 592365 F +33 381 592608 Groupe VICAT 4 rue Aristide Bergès Les trois vallons BP 35, 38081 L’Isle d’Abeau Cedex, France


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025