Eastern Europe: Romania and Hungary within precast evolution within local market

Post-Comunism Take-off of Precast Business

The social perception of precasting is not identical worldwide. While Western and Northern European precasters have long time ago penetrated the residential market and are on a quest for more and more feasible innovations offering inhabitants a higher level of comfort, shortening execution times and making establishment more „clever”, in Central and Eastern Europe precasting is still fighting against the ghosts of the past. The industrial construction segment in Hungary or Romania recognized the benefits of developing precast structures, but the residential market is still far from being even in its infancy.

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ASA Cons Romania T +40 264 312765, F +40 264 317057 contact@asacons.ro, www.asacons.ro www.consolis.ro ASA Epitoipari Hungary T +36 1 2405455 info@asa.hu, www.asa.hu www.consolis.hu


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