Very high colour-mix precision for today's quality requirements

Würschum GmbH, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany

The Würschum company this year presented more innovations in connection with the manufacture of high-quality colour-mix concrete products, such as multicoloured facing pavers, large slabs, large precast elements and high-grade wetcast products. According to the manufacturer, dosage accuracies of +/- 1 g are now possible, as well as the buffering of up to 6 colour batches for the fast and optimum supply of several mixers with interim concrete containers. These innovative devices were presented to trade visitors at this year's bauma in Munich.

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Würschum GmbH Hedelfinger Straße 33 73760 Ostfildern, Germany T +49 711 448130 F +49 711 4481340


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025