Kazakhstan also opts for the versatility and advantages of prestressed concrete

Resimart, 46370 Chiva, Valencia, Spain

In 1978 Resimart designed and built its first machine for the prestressed concrete industry. Since then the research and development of new products has been a constant focus that has allowed Resimart to supply machinery and "turnkey" facilities for the manufacture of all types of prestressed concrete products: hollow core wall slabs, hollow core floor slabs, simple beams, I-beams, poles, lintels, stadium seat slabs and lots of other products.

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Resimart C/ Collao, no 60 P.I. La Pahilla 46370 Chiva, Valencia, Spain T +34 962 520 291 F +34 962 521 508 resimart@resimart.com www.resimart.com


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025