Tailor-made concrete block manufacturing at new Lithonplus location in Bornhöved

Hess Group GmbH, 57299 Burbach-Wahlbach, Germany

The Lithonplus block-making plant specialises in the development, manufacture and sales of high-quality concrete products. A team of more than 600 employees at eighteen locations across Germany is responsible for the professional handling of the processes – from planning sup- port, job and order to manufacturing and delivery. Lithonplus is a subsidiary of HeidelbergCement AG and Schwenk KG. The company has concentrated the traditional activities in the field of concrete products since 2004 and can look back on over one hundred years of experi- ence. The machine-manufactured products are made on modern plants at a very high technical level. An example of this is Lithonplus’ lat- est location in Bornhöved, with which the company has now gained a foothold in Schleswig-Holstein with a production facility. The compa- ny had purchased an old factory here, with an aging production hall and the associated site. First of all the hall was stripped down to its steel skeleton and completely re-enclosed. Then a completely new, modern concrete block production facility was installed, including a new concrete mixing plant. The circulation plant was supplied by the Hess company from the Topwerk Group. The extensive dosing and mixing equipment was supplied and installed by ubo Engineering from Holland.

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Lithonplus GmbH & Co. KG Zentrale Schwegenheimer Straße 1a 67360 Lingenfeld, Germany T +49 6344 9490 F +49 6344 949125 info@lithonplus.de www.lithonplus-steinmanufaktur.de Lithonplus GmbH & Co. KG Werk und Vertriebsbüro Bornhöved Segeberger Landstraße 35-37 24619 Bornhöved, Germany T +49 4323 805400 F +49 4323 8054010 HESS Group GmbH Freier-Grund-Straße 123 57299 Burbach-Wahlbach, Germany Phone +49 2736 4976776 Fax +49 2736 4976620 info@hessgroup.com www.hessgroup.com ubo Engineering b.v. Banningstraat 3b, 3769 Soesterberg, Netherlands T +31 346 351774 F +31 346 351384 mail@ubo.nl www.ubo.nl


05.02.2025 - 07.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025