Advancing the Art of Design and Aesthetic using Precast Innovation

Crossing the Unlimited Architecture Possibilities

Mass housing today are overshadowed by two major problems: (I) short supply of adequate housing to mass population as a result of increas- ing demographics, and (II) significantly contributing to CO2 emission, caused not only by activities during the construction period but also after housing is completed and being occupied. Malaysia is of no exception in facing mass housing problems that require a solution with the integration dual aims and principles of affordability and sustainability. This challenge calls for appropriate building technology that has the dual benefits of economy as well as speed in construction. Prefabrication is the obvious choice to meet the ever-increasing demand for hous- ing in the country. The strength of the prefabricated house lies in its lower capital and developmental costs by using purpose made compo- nents which are mass produced in great quantity, and to bring architecture to the ordinary people. It insists on the architect’s knowledge of production, distribution, marketing, and construction methods, rather than relies on architecture concept of authorship which keeps itself as an exclusive art form that makes it inaccessible to ordinary people.

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Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM) IBS Centre, 1st Floor, Block E, Lot 8, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025