Upgrade of existing production facilities at DZZhBI OJSC in Domodedovo

Echo Precast Engineering NV, 3530 Houthalen, Belgium

SU-155, one of the leading construction holding companies in Russia has upgraded the production of prestressed hollowcore slabs at one of their production sites recently, with the installation of a new slipformer line, delivered and installed by Echo Precast Engineering, part of the Progress Group.

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Progress Holding AG Julius-Durst-Str. 100 39042 Brixen, Italy T +39 0472 979900 F +39 0472 979999 info@progress-group.info www.progress-group.info Echo Precast Engineering NV Industrieterrein Centrum Zuid 1533 3530 Houthalen, Belgium Т +32 11 600800 F +32 11 522093 info@echoprecast.com www.echoprecast.com


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025