Systematically Advancing Concrete Precasting – How to optimize the production of concrete ...

APS – Advanced Precast Systems, 37550 St. Avertin, France

… elements by using automated turnkey factories Formworks for concrete elements have to be well chosen, as they build the basis of concrete constructions such as bridges, buildings, tun- nels etc. that have to withstand different forms of stress: wind, water or even earthquakes. These structures usually underlay plenty of norms and regulations in order to be correct and accepted by the contractor and to fulfil safety standards. So the manufacturing of formworks needs a sophisticated technical know-how and experience. Nevertheless, choosing the right mould is just one part for a precast company. Pro- ducing smooth and identical concrete elements in large quantities and within a short delay is often the crucial point in precast production. So why not taking advantage from a manufacturer who has the necessary experience in fabricating formworks and their respective auto- mated production facility – the whole industrial process of precasting from just one hand is now available from APS – Advanced Precast Sys- tems.

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APS – Advanced Precast Systems 17, rue Frédéric Joliot Curie 37550 St. Avertin, France T +33 247 375364, F +33 247 375318,


11.03.2025 - 13.03.2025
30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025