Presentation of new equipment at Cerib Concrete Research Centre on 3rd July 2014

Cerib, 28233 Épernon Cedex, France

Recently, CERIB, the Study and Research Centre for the French Concrete Industry, has been provided with new equipment both supporting the Centre’s studies and research programme and enhancing its service portfolio comprising automated concrete plant, last generation concrete block presses, concrete pumping plant, shotcrete equipment, discharge water treatment facilities processing concrete mixing wastes, electron microscope scanning, X-ray diffractometer, rheometer, testing equipment for steel reinforcement corrosion assessment, and a sustainability model.

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Cerib 1 rue des Longs Réages 28233 Épernon Cedex, France T +33 23718 48 00 F +33 23783 67 39


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12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025