Precast Concrete Lavatory

Toyota Kohki Co., Ltd., Tokio, 183-0035 Japan

There are many free public lavatories in Japan. At parks, stations, parking areas, you can find them almost anywhere at public places. Since Japan’s Government issued a regulation which prohibits urinating outdoors in 1872 in Tokyo, the number of the public lavatories increased at a rapid rate. However, as they has been mainly constructed in an obscure place, the image of public lavatory are still “Dark”, “Dirty”, “Stinky”, “Scary”. Recently, to redeem these images, the local governments are putting effort into the renovation.

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Toyota Kohki Co., Ltd. 6-12-8 Yotsuya Fuchu-shi, Tokio, 183-0035, Japan T +81 42 3666011, F +81 42 3642530


05.02.2025 - 07.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025