Excellent German-Italian cooperation for Arabtec Precast in Saudi Arabia

Brecon Vibrationstechnik GmbH, 50933 Cologne, Germany

In October 2013 the specialists of the vibration technology manufacturer Brecon and the formwork manufacturer tecnocom teamed up in cooperation for the installation of battery moulds at Arabtec Precast L.L.C., Saudi Arabia.

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Arabtec Precast, L.L.C. Dubai Investment ParkJebel Ali Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES T +971 4 885 2507, F +971 4 885 2607 apd3399@arabtecuae.com, www.arabtecuae.com BRECON Vibrationstechnik GmbH Stolberger Straße 393, 50933 Köln, Germany T +49 221 9544270, F +49 221 9544277 info@brecon.de, www.brecon.de tecnocom S.p.A. Via Antonio Zanussi 305, 33100 Udine, Italy T +39 0432 621222, F +39 0432 621200 info@tecnocom.com, www.tecnocom.com


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