Unique pipe-making plant for jacking pipes put into operation in the shortest time

B+S GmbH, 48432 Rheine, Germany

In mid-2012 a modern pipe-making plant for large-format steel reinforced jacking pipes was erected in the Ruhr district in only four months. 50 km of jacking pipes are to be produced here in the coming years.

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B+S GmbH Kanalstrasse 63 48432 Rheine, Germany T +49 5971 7911310 F +49 5971 79113119 info@bs-baumaschinen.com www.bs-baumaschinen.com apilion machines+services GmbH Oststrasse 10 77694 Kehl/Rhein, Germany T +49 7851 7460 F +49 7851 74660 sales@apilion.com www.apilion.com


30.03.2025 - 02.04.2025
07.04.2025 - 13.04.2025
08.04.2025 - 11.04.2025